
Voip Cloud Online

Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 4.5.0
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicyRemoteSigned

Per User
Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity "email address" -PhoneNumber "+613xxxxxxx" -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting
Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity "xxx@xx.com.au" -PolicyName "VC VoiceRoutingPolicy"
Grant-CsTenantDialPlan -Identity "xxx@xx.com.au" -policyname "Voip dial plan"

 Australian Dial Plan


Australian Tones

Dial tone: 400@-19,425@-19,450@-19;10(*/0/1+2+3)
Busy Tone: 425@-19;10(.375/.375/1)
Reorder Tone: 425@-19, 425@-29;60(.375/.375/1,.375/.375/2)
Ring Back Tone: 400@-19,425@-19,450@-19;*(.4/.2/1+2+3,.4/2/1+2+3)

Ring1 Cadence: 60(.4/.2,.4/2)

FXS Port Impedance: 220+820||115nF

NBN TC1 - High priority, but limited bandwidth

SIP ToS/DiffServ Value: 0xb8

RTP ToS/DiffServ Value: 0xb8

TC4 - Lower priority, with all available bandwidth

SIP ToS/DiffServ Value: 0x68

RTP ToS/DiffServ Value: 0x68

Telstra SIP 

SPA 100 Manual

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful to this blog giving unique and helpful knowledge about this topic.
    Cyber Security Brisbane
